Today i had a tutorial with my tutors to discuss my progress so far and for them to suggest ideas to me to how i can further my work.
The outcome of this was:
*To look into the subject areas that i have chosen to use as collections more thoroughly and in more detail, using mixed media and trying to use different drawing and painting techniques.
*Not to design at this stage
*Further research into artist and designers relating to my theme, such as Paul Poiret, Leon Baskt, Erte, Paul Iribe, Cecil Beaton, Oliver Messel and Alphonse Mucha.

*It was suggested that i could look at Venice and Rio Carnival for detailing on the costumes.
These images are very attractive and eye catching. They just express lots of detail, colour and patterns. I think that these will provide good inspiration and be really nice to draw from.
Venice Carnival
These are also very theatrical, vibrant and expressive in detail, but in Venice the detail seems to be on the face mask where in Rio it's on the headdress.
*Start to progress more worksheets bringing the themes into small collections.
*Also looking at the collection of work i have designed so far it looks like it would perhaps be more suited towards giftware and stationary collection.
I will now exploit different scale and interpretation of pattern, colour, line and treatment. For the next review i have half way through the module i would like to have a good start of three different avenues.